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High-risk people to get free flu vaccines, other residents to get jab for AED 50 in UAE

High-risk people and Emiratis will get free flu vaccines in the UAE while the shots will cost AED 50 for others in the country.

The UAE will administer flu vaccines for free to all Emiratis and those at high risk of infection.

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According to officials of the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) others can get the COVID jab at AED 50 across government health centers and private hospitals in the country.

Those considered part of the high-risk group includes pregnant women, children under the age of five, healthcare workers, senior citizens above 60, and patients with comorbidity of uncontrolled diabetes and heart disease.

Dr Farida Al Hosani, executive director of the infection diseases sector at the Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre urged the people to take the influenza vaccine as soon as possible as the season of influenza was expected to begin now.

READ ON: National Season Flu Awareness campaign launched in UAE

The visitors to the UAE can also take the vaccine at a private health center for a nominal fee and people with symptoms of flu — which are similar to that of Covid — have been asked to seek medical advice without delay.

People have been asked to isolate themselves and get a COVID test done and if their test was negative then they should get themselves tested for influenza. (AW)

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