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Survey finds 89% of Filipinos wear masks, 70% use face shield

A survey carried out by the OCTA Research group has shown that some 89 percent of adult Filipinos nationwide use face masks while 70 percent use face shields to avoid contracting COVID-19.

The survey was conducted from July 12 to 18, with a sample size of 1,200 respondents aged 18 and above. The researchers of OCTA said that most adult Filipino respondents followed the minimum health standards or protocols set by the national government to avoid contracting COVID-19.

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A total of 95 percent of the respondents in the National Capital Region (NCR), 88 percent in Balance Luzon, 85 percent in the Visayas, and 90 percent in Mindanao used face masks and an average was 89 percent nationwide, OCTA found.

The rate of use of face shields in NCR was at 81 percent, 74 percent in Balance Luzon, 42 percent in the Visayas, and 79 percent in Mindanao, for an average of 70 percent. As many as 85 percent of adult respondents nationwide said they sanitize their hands either by using soap and water, or alcohol and hand sanitizers while only 64 percent of respondents practiced physical distancing. (AW)

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