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‘Katas ng Dubai’: Importance of having an investment mindset among OFWs

For many OFWs, having a place they can call their own back home in the Philippines is a mark of success thus the popularity of the ‘Katas ng Dubai’ statements among OFWs who have already returned back home for good.

This, in turn, has inspired a new wave of OFWs to work in the UAE and aspire to not only own a house and lot in the Philippines, but also to invest in other real estate developments as their future source of income.

Lessandra Division Head Eduardo T. Aguilar shared that it is this investment mindset that fuels the drive of OFWs to learn and find out which real estate developments and investment tools would best fit their needs in the long run.

“Nowadays, our OFW Kababayans are already much more aware of the investment opportunities here in the Philippines, which include real estate. Our Kababayans are now more informed, and they prepare for their future through investments,” said Aguilar.

Eduardo Aguilar Division Head Lessandra
“As the saying goes, the best time to invest was yesterday, and the next best time is now. Take advantage of the available and affordable properties, like what Lessandra offers, and secure your future. You can never go wrong when it comes to property investment because eventually, you will still purchase homes and properties, but if you do it later, the price would have increased already. Or the best and prime locations may have been taken already. In real estate, location and price are two of the topmost considerations. So while it’s still available, while there are different promos offered, invest”
– Eduardo Aguilar, Division Head at Lessandra

He also furthered that real estate investments offer a variety of short-term and long-term benefits that OFWs can enjoy.

“Real estate presents many advantages over other types of investment. For instance, for the passive income, they can earn when they have their properties rented out or leased. Another is its continued value appreciation – they can sell it in the future at a higher price should they want to liquidate the property. It gives them the flexibility only available in real estate investments. Additionally, they can use it as their primary home,” advised Agular.

Aguilar also outlined that the sooner OFWs can invest in real estate, the earlier they can reap the benefits not just for themselves but for their children and future generations as well.

“As the saying goes, the best time to invest was yesterday, and the next best time is now. Take advantage of the available and affordable properties and secure your future. You can never go wrong when it comes to property investment because eventually, you will still purchase homes and properties, but if you do it later, the price would have increased already,” shared Aguilar.


Staff Report

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