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LOOK: Davao prepares ‘bubble hotels’ for returning OFWs

The government of Davao, led by Mayor Sara Duterte, has set up and designated ‘bubble hotels’ as isolation and quarantine centers for overseas Filipino workers (OFW) coming in from Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Dhaka, Bangladesh between July 15 and 18.

Sara Duterte clarified that only passengers from international repatriation flights will be accepted here.

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Brushing aside fears of a potential rise of COVID-19 cases with the incoming OFWs, she said the arrivals would be in a bubble wrap through direct hotel isolation for undergoing Covid-19 processing of 14 days.

While President Duterte is ensuring hotel workers can safely cater to OFWs’ needs by fast-tracking their vaccination, the hotel industry would gain earnings alongside the OFWs reaching their families, she said.

READ ON: OWWA to request additional repatriation funds for OFWs

Davao City Tourism Office Chief and Airport Monitoring head Generose Tecson said that by July 9, total 1,079 rooms in 20 hotel establishments were prepared and inspected by the Department of Tourism (DOT) as quarantine facilities. (AW)

Staff Report

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