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PH witnesses rise in suicide rates at 57% during pandemic

The pandemic has indirectly claimed more lives in the Philippines, which reported a 57% increase in the country’s suicide rate in 2020 according to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

Suicide was the 25th leading cause of death in 2020 from 31st in 2019 and claimed the lives of 4,420 people last year, compared to 2,810 deaths in 2019, as per the numbers from PSA.

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The National Center for Mental Health had witnessed increase in calls to its hotlines in the wake of pandemic lockdowns in the country since March and the callers highlighted anxiety-related concerns.

Meanwhile, the Commission on Human Rights urged the government to invest more in facilities for mental health due to Filipinos witnessing “major disruptions and alterations” caused by the pandemic.

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Noting that the pandemic could affect mental health by causing sadness and worries, the Department of Health emphasized its support for all Filipinos by stating that they were not alone, and that there are people ready to support them.

DOH also highlighted the need to stay connected with others amidst the pandemic restrictions.

The health department also suggested to people to take “brain breaks” by getting in touch with family or friends through text messaging, phone calls, or online chat.

Staff Report

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