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COVID-19: UAE reports 1,229 new cases, total now at 547,411

The Ministry of Health and Protection (MoHaP) recently conducted 141,947 COVID-19 tests that led to the discovery of 1,229 new cases, bringing the total number of confirmed COVID-19 patients to 537,524.

The ministry also reported two patients who have died due to complications from COVID-19, which brings the country’s total death toll to 1,633.

MOHAP also reported 1,217 individuals who have already recovered from the coronavirus disease, with the total now at 527,519.

This brings the total number of active cases to 18,259 as of May 17.

RELATED STORY: Taking COVID-19 vaccine prevents hospitalization rate at 90% efficiency – study

TFT Covid May17UAE2021

A new study in Abu Dhabi found that taking the COVID-19 vaccine is 93 percent effective in preventing hospitalization and 95 percent effective against requiring admission to intensive care among individuals who got infected after taking both jabs.

Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre conducted a study on the efficacy of vaccination in the emirate and found a significant decrease in the rate of Covid-19 infection after receiving a second vaccine dose. The study also showed that in the event of an infection after vaccination, patients have mild symptoms and do not require admission to a hospital or an Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

The study stated that immunity against Covid-19 is best achieved through vaccination and adhering to precautionary measures and that immunity is multifaceted and not limited to the presence of antibodies. The study also said that immunity is not guaranteed after infection, as an individual may be infected again.

The study found that the risk of contracting Covid-19 increases as the virus mutates and that the chances of the virus mutating increase with its spread. It is also possible that after contracting Covid-19, even if the symptoms are mild, the infection may lead to long-term health complications.

Staff Report

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