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WATCH: Two dead after plane used for baby’s gender reveal stunt crashes into sea

A gender reveal stunt turned fatal after the plane used for the stunt crashed killing two in Mexico.

Local media reported that the incident happened Monday afternoon in the Nichupte lagoon in Cancun.

Video footage showed that a plane was flying over the beach emitting pink smoke as people shouted Nina which means girl in Spanish.

The small plane crashed into the ocean shortly after unveiling the baby’s gender.

Two people, identified as the pilot and the co-pilot, died in the fatal accident.

According to Quintana Roo Nautical Associates, a private nautical business association involved in the rescue mission, one person died while the rescue was being carried out.

The other succumbed to injuries after being rescued, the attorney general’s office in Quintana Roo state confirmed to ABC News. (RA)

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