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Ethel Booba airs frustration to a game show over cancelled guestings

Courtesy of: Ethel Booba

Comedian Ethel Booba couldn’t help but share her frustration over a game show. Ethel said that the production team behind the show tried to book her a number of times but repeatedly got cancelled.

“Pabook kayo nang pabook ng sked ng taping! Tapos ireresked nyo! Alam n’yong hindi kami available sa date na gusto n’yong taping!!!” Ethel said on her Facebook post.

“Nakailang plane tiket na kami kabibili ng tiket! Hindi nyo naman nirerefund. NAKAKALOKA kayo! Itigil nyo na yang game show n’yo!” Ethel added.

The TV host however did not name the show but some of her followers tried to guess the show.

Some of her followers urge her to take the right action before accepting any booking from the game show.

“Hala hingian ng downpayment tapos pag re-schedule wag ng puntahan pasaway naman po,” one of her followers said.

“Sayang nga po ang gastos sa di tamang pag gamit instead dapat save up while able,” another one added.

Staff Report

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