
Gary V announces he’s free of kidney cancer

Singer Gary Valenciano has admitted that he was diagnosed of having kidney cancer after had bypass surgery last year.

In a social media post, Valenciano said “It was May of last year that I was given a life-changing diagnosis of cancer in my right kidney.”

“This was revealed to me as I was healing from a bypass procedure done last May 6, 2018. A few weeks later, on June 13, 2018 I underwent surgery to remove the cancer from my kidney,” he added.

Valenciano said he just had an annual checkup and was declared free of cancer.

Mister Pure Energy admitted that it was difficult to deal with several health issues.

“Battling with type-1 diabetes, then a bypass, and kidney cancer… I’m still here. And He has been as faithful as ever. Indeed there is absolutely nothing impossible with God.”

Valenciano explained that “Just needed to share this with you all. God bless you in ways that will simply make you see just how good He really is.”

The multi-awarded singer also thanked his family, doctors, relatives, friends, churches and fans for the support extended to him at a difficult time in his life.

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