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December Avenue set to ignite EarthSoul Fest in Dubai

In a spectacular convergence of music and environmental advocacy, December Avenue, the celebrated Filipino band, is set to perform at the EarthSoul Fest in Dubai on June 22, 2024. To be held at the iconic Coca-Cola Arena, this event marks UAE’s first eco-conscious music festival, bringing together a stellar lineup of international artists including French Montana, Mustafa Ceceli, Young Stunners, and Amanda Maalouf.

Performing in Dubai alongside Global Artists

When asked about their thoughts on sharing the stage with global icons like French Montana, December Avenue expressed their excitement.

“Dubai is a special place for us and we love coming here. This is one place we feel at home. It’s an incredible honor to perform alongside such renowned artists. Collaborating with talents from around the world at Earthsoul is a fantastic opportunity for us to learn and grow as musicians,” the band shared.

Anticipation for EarthSoul Fest

The band is eagerly looking forward to the festival.

“We’re excited to be part of an event that merges music with a meaningful cause. EarthSoul Fest is a movement towards a greener future. We can’t wait to experience the energy of Dubai and connect with our fans there,” they said.

Advice on Environmental Sustainability

December Avenue is passionate about environmental sustainability and encourages its fans to contribute.

“Every small action counts. Simple steps like reducing plastic use, conserving water, and participating in local clean-ups can make a huge difference. We all have a role to play in protecting our planet,” the band advised.

Sneak Peek into the Performance

Fans attending the festival can expect an unforgettable performance. The band would be dishing out some of the popular hits and encourages the audience to sing and groove along with them.

“We’re bringing our best to the stage. Expect a mix of our classic hits and some surprises. Our goal is to create a memorable experience for everyone, blending our music with the festival’s eco-conscious spirit,” they revealed.

Connecting with Fans Abroad

For fans who might not be able to see them live, December Avenue has a message: “Stay connected with us through our social media channels and streaming platforms. We love hearing from you, and your support means the world to us. We’ll keep sharing our music and updates, no matter where you are.”

Representing Filipinos Globally

Playing at EarthSoul Fest holds special significance for December Avenue as they represent Filipinos on a global stage. “It’s a proud moment for us to showcase Filipino talent at such a prestigious event. Using our music to contribute to a positive impact on the world aligns perfectly with our values. We’re thrilled to be part of this pioneering festival. It is amazing that this is an initiative that includes beach clean-ups and mangrove plantation drives that we as a community can get involved in,” the band expressed.

As the excitement builds, tickets for EarthSoul Fest are selling fast. The EarthSoul series launches with Jason Derulo on 15th June, followed by the December Avenue live on June 22nd at the Coca-Cola Arena. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this groundbreaking event. Experience the magic of December Avenue and other incredible artists while supporting a cause that matters.

Get your tickets now at or Platinumlist, and Virgin Megastore.

See you at EarthSoul Fest!

Staff Report

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