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Manila’s Dolomite beach reopens for public

Following the downgrade in alert level for COVID-19, the man-made dolomite beach in Manila Bay was reopened to the public today.

In the National Capital Region, quarantine status was downgraded to Alert level 3 from Alert level 4.

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Visitors made a beeline even as the Police tried to ensure minimum health protocols were observed.

On the beach, only 300 to 500 individuals at a time will be allowed.

The visitors may stay as long as they wish to while the limit of 300 to 500 individuals will have to be observed.

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Earlier the visitors could stay only for five minutes at the beach when it was opened to the public. There is no need for people to be vaccinated to enter the premises, but wearing face masks and face shields is mandatory.

However, no food and drinks will be allowed inside and children will be allowed in accordance with Inter-Agency Task Force rules. (AW)

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