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Philippines, Venezuela only countries yet to conduct face-to-face classes

The Philippines and Venezuela are the last countries in the world which are continuing with the closure of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, the United Nations Children’s Fund reported.

Kuwait, Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia have moved to reopen some of their schools this month, according to Isy Faingold, who heads education work in UNICEF-Philippines. 

Faingold said Kuwait would resume in-person classes in 1,460 schools with a gradual reopening for all levels while Bangladesh would do so for select grade levels. 

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia would allow high school students who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to return to classrooms while those at the primary level would continue online classes until October.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has ruled out calls for a pilot study as the country faces limited supply of the COVID-19 jabs.

Faingold said “school closures have many negative effects starting with learning loss.”

Faingold has also cited the strategies of some countries which the Philippines could also consider. 

For example, he said China, Vietnam and Indonesia have adopted a phased approach and started in low-risk areas while others like Sweden began with early grades and Singapore with senior high school students. 

Staff Report

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