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Sarangani home to biggest water buffalo in Mindanao

The biggest carabao (water buffalo) has been discovered in the province of Sarangani Mindanao – following an online fun search for the biggest traditional farm animal initiated by Mindanao Development Authority chairperson, Secretary Emmanuel Piñol.

The 18-year-old carabao — owned by 88-year-old farmer Flaviano Tamba of Barangay Pangi, Maitum town – won the prize with its size measuring 141 inches long from nose to tail and 61 inches tall, in comparison to the average 50-to-54 inches male Philippine carabao or domestic swamp-type water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis).

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Describing the buffalo as the biggest-ever seen is his entire life, Piñol video-posted it on YouTube on July 16, after visiting Barangay Pangi on July 13 to see the huge carabao and its owner.

The discovery had occurred after the former agriculture chief launched a “fun game” – in celebration of Farmer’s Month — on his Facebook page in May to search for the biggest carabao/bull in Mindanao.

Hearing about the game, Farmer Tamba’s son Lorenzo sent photos of his father’s massive carabao with some grandchildren atop it. The photo won the contest.

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Tamba had bought the then three-and-a-half years old bull for PHP30,000 in 2005 from another in Barangay Lebe, Kiamba town. Under his care, the carabao grew sturdy and drew high-price buyers from other farmers who were all turned down.

The enormous bull has been helping them with various work at their seven-hectare farm, which grows coconut trees, bananas, and palay (unhusked rice), Tamba added. (AW)

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