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Jealous wife stabbed husband after finding a young woman’s photo on his phone that turned out to be her

A woman stabbed her spouse multiple times after seeing a picture of him with a younger woman only to find out that it was her during her younger years.

According to a report by Yucatan Magazine, the incident happened in Sonoram, Mexico and the woman named “Leonora” was arrested after the incident.

Daily Star

The authorities said Leonora got mad at her husband “Juan” after she saw the photograph on his mobile phone.

She took a knife and stabbed him multiple times without hearing him out.

Juan managed to retrieve the knife from Leonora and he immediately told her that it was a picture of her taken years earlier, during the time when they were still dating.

He had the picture fixed so he could put it on his mobile phone.

It was their neighbors who called the police after hearing the commotion.

Leonora is now in prison awaiting if her husband would file charges after what happened.

Staff Report

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