
UAE advises to throw away used shopping, delivery bags immediately after use

Filipinos and other UAE residents are advised to immediately dispose of all shopping and delivery bags that come from outside their homes, as UAE authorities cite expert studies pointing to traces of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) staying on surfaces for an extended period of time, if left unsanitized.
UAE’s official spokesperson for the health sector Dr. Farida Al Hosani shared the update when she was asked about the possibility of contracting COVID-19 whenever an individual heads out of their home to purchase essentials.
“Studies indicate that the novel coronavirus may remain on surfaces for a few hours or even several days. This may vary depending on conditions, such as surface type, temperature, and humidity. Therefore, we advise all individuals after shopping or when receiving bags from delivery services to dispose of used bags after emptying their contents in a closed container,” said Al Hosani.
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Dr. Al Hosani also reminded the public of the importance of thorough sanitation and advised against the reuse of such shopping and delivery bags.
“We also advise them to not re-use these bags and note the importance of sterilising the surfaces where bags are placed at home, as well as washing hands with soap and water,” said Al Hosani.
READ ON: UAE advises residents to shower when returning home from outdoors, updates precautionary measures
Earlier, the UAE’s health sector also reminded the public to take a shower and sanitize themselves thoroughly, along with other preventive measures, upon arrival back at their homes not just for their own safety, but for the safety of their housemates as well.

Staff Report

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