
BI locates family of HongKong’s first case of new coronavirus in Manila

The immigration bureau (BI) tracked down the family of Hong Kong’s first suspected case of novel coronavirus (2019-Ncov) in Manila on Thursday.
The four Chinese nationals flew to Manila from Hong Kong on Wednesday night, Hong Kong authorities reported.
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Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said the BI is “monitoring their movements” and may ask Bureau of Quarantine to help monitor them.
Guevarra added that he will order the BI and the National Bureau of Investigation to locate the individuals that the family have contacted in the Philippines should the Department of Health ask for their support.
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Meanwhile, DOH said all the passengers of the flight who flew the family of the infected showed no symptoms of new coronavirus.
“There was nobody exhibiting symptoms. There was no fever, no one showing upper respiratory tract infection so everybody was allowed to enter the country,” DOH spokesman Enrique Domingo told ABS-CBN News.

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