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Bayat Legal Services to provide pro bono legal advice for OFWs planning to migrate to Canada as skilled migrants

Many Filipinos in the UAE have thought of migrating to a country where they can both earn a living and attain a permanent residency leading to citizenship.
One of the top countries that always come to mind amongst OFWs is Canada – with their endless benefits as citizens and residents. However, many OFWs have doubts lingering if they are even qualified or eligible to migrate to another country.

Equipped with almost three decades of providing migration assistance, Bayat Legal Services, previously Canada Legal Services, located at 23rd Floor, Al Moosa Tower II, Trade Centre area, Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, will be giving pro bono or free legal advice to OFWs who are planning to migrate to Canada as skilled workers.

“The idea is simple: we want to empower people to make the right decision for their future and in the meantime saving them by hiring unnecessary service providers and spending their hard earned savings. We have stood strong in the industry as experts and we would like to ensure that you pick the right country as your new home,” said Sam Bayat founder and owner of Bayat Legal Services.

Filipino-focused advice

Amongst the individuals that Filipinos’ can seek help from at Bayat Legal Services is Maricar Marquez, an immigration case processor who has witnessed the plight of her fellow Filipino expats who have wished to migrate towards Canada.

“His plan and vision is to offer free legal advice to people interested in partaking in Canada immigration program as skilled applicants. Mr. Bayat set it up where people can come and consult with specialists. I was ecstatic and inspired, eager to be part of this exciting initiative. I know in my heart that this is my calling. Right from the start I saw his vision and his intentions to give back to the community. This is a way to help people mold their stepping stone and aspire their dreams to migrate to Canada,” said Marquez.

She ensures that each and every Filipino who will be visiting the Bayat Legal Services office in Dubai will be provided with a focused, one-on-one consultation where they will be given free assessment, guidance, and legal advice regarding Canada’s federal skilled-worker program. Filipinos can also learn and get guidance on the requirements such as an educational assessment credential application, language proficiency test and more.

“With my years of experience in the immigration service industry, I have observed several clients’ application journey and witnessed them promised with false hopes. In my opinion this scheme says a lot about Mr. Bayat’s agenda in this ball game. He wants nothing more than give people the real help they need, with nothing in return. This is a real game changer to the immigration consultancy industry, brings me great joy to be a part of it,” said Marquez.

Heart of service

Sam Bayat assures Filipinos that once they enter the premises of Bayat Legal Service, they will leave the doors with a more informed mindset as they begin their next plans on migrating towards a country where they can spend the rest of their life together with their loved ones.

“We have already hired specialists who will be assisting me. With prior reservation and based on certain criteria, we shall maintain an open-door policy where you can come, ask us questions and we’ll provide you with computers, Internet and all necessary tools needed to file your online application. My team and I will supervise you as you’re filling up the forms and will by your side to answer any questions or concerns,” said Bayat.

Banking on over 27 years of experience since 1993, Filipinos are assured that they will only get professional advice that they need in order to ensure that they will fulfill their dream of heading towards Canada.

“We at Bayat Group, are always ahead, leading the industry with our knowledge and business expertise insuring our clients receive personal, prompt, and high-quality solutions/proposal to full fill their individual, family and business needs. Clients new or old may take confidence knowing that they will receive the upmost professional consultancy and legal service, as a matter of tradition,” assured Bayat.

Filipinos who wish to visit Bayat Legal Services must make an appointment through the following contact details:

Telephone: +(971) 4 355 4646
Mobile: +(971) 52 551 5579

Bayat Legal Services also aims to extend their pro bono assistance for Filipinos back home in the Philippines and expand their services back home in the long run to help more Pinoys achieve their dreams of reaching Canada.

Staff Report

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