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Singapore hangs 1 prisoner over 1 kilogram of cannabis

Courtesy: Trishnu Kaur via CNN

Singapore executed one prisoner after being convicted for smuggling one kilogram of cannabis.

The prisoner was executed by hanging according to authorities.

The move to execute came even amid calls from international community to abolish the capital punishment.

“Singaporean Tangaraju Suppiah, 46, had his capital sentence carried out today at Changi Prison Complex,” a spokesman for the Singapore Prisons Service told AFP.

Tangajaru was convicted back in 2017 after attempting to smuggle 1,017.9 grams (35.9 ounces) of cannabis. This was twice the minimum volume required for a death sentence in Singapore.

Branson, a member of the Geneva-based Global Commission on Drug Policy, said that Tangajaru was not even near the drugs confiscated by authorities.

Singapore has resumed death penalty in March 2022 after two years of hiatus.

Staff Report

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