
TikTok comedy skits poke fun on mandatory military service in PH

TikTok comedy skits are being used to poke fun over suggestion of mandatory military service in the Philippines.

A number of TikTok content creators recently uploaded comedy skits poking fun at the proposed mandatory military service in the country.

Sassa Gurl, also the first queer calendar girl of a whisky brand uploaded a video on how mandatory military training will be like if it is implemented in the Philippines and the video was shared on TikTok and Twitter last Friday.

The video had since earned over 4.2 million views and the version posted on Twitter garnered more than 430,000 views, 40,300 likes, nearly 6,000 retweets and 2,800 quote-retweets.

Her fans expressed how much they enjoyed her video and others also shared that they might probably do the same antics if they enlist.

Other TikTok creators also shared versions of Filipinos conducting activities and exercises in a military camp with Spencer Serafica or Xspencer showing in a comical way how some Filipinos will act while undergoing training.

Social media personality Gaia Poly imagined a possible scenario of her ordering from a fast food chain and having it delivered while inside the military camp while Ychan Laurenz portrayed a character named “Cheska,” an avid Wattpad reader who is dealing with military training life.

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