
WATCH: Three-year-old kid survives fall from fifth floor

A three-year-old boy miraculously survived after falling from the fifth floor of his apartment in China. 
The kid was supposedly looking for his grandmother when he fell from their house’s balcony.
Residents saw the kid and immediately grabbed two large blankets under him. 
The blankets caught the child after he lost his grip from the floor. 
Chinese television reported that the kid has no injuries.
The kid was left alone at the house and woke up from a nap. His grandmother was said to be in the grocery when the incident took place. 
The video showed how the kid tried to pull himself up but failed after clinging for his life.
A security guard in the building said that the child’s ordeal lasted for more than four minutes. 
The kid was brought to the hospital with his parents. 

Staff Report

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