
Dubai Municipality denies rumors about chocolate bar with “pork” content

Dubai Municipality squashed rumors that a certain chocolate bar brand sold in the market has “pork” content.

It all started when talks circulated online about Break Supa Chocolate bar having bacon grease as one of its ingredients.

Dubai Municipality issued a statement on their Instagram account denying such claims.

“Dubai Municipality denies the rumor of the existence of bacon Grease Fat in Break Supa Chocolate,” the statement reads.

Dubai Municipality further said that the food additive E471 in the said chocolate bar is made from vegetable oil and is authorized for use according to food additive regulations in UAE.

“The product can’t contain bacon grease; because UAE does not produce pork products at all,” the statement added.


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. بلدية دبي تنفي إشاعة وجود شحوم الخنزير في شوكولاتة بريك سوبا حيث أن المضاف الغذائيE471 الموجود في شكولاتة Break Supa مصنع من زيوت نباتية ومصرح باستخدامها حسب المواصفة الإماراتية الخاصة بالمضافات، كما أن المنتج لا يمكن أن يحتوي على شحوم خنزير لأن دولة الإمارات لا يصنع فيها منتجات خنزير نهائياً Dubai Municipality denies the rumor of the existence of bacon Grease Fat in Break Supa Chocolate where the food additive E471 in Break Supa chocolate is made from vegetable oil and authorized for use according to food additive regulations in UAE, as well as the product can’t contain bacon grease; because UAE does not produce pork products at all #دبي #بلدية_دبي #الخبر_اليقين #Dubai #Dubai #MyDubai #dubaimunicipality #no_more_rumors

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Note: Main photo is used for illustration purposes only. Credits to Elizabeth LaBau

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