The 30-year-old Indian driver who has been accused of molestation of a Filipina and fled the scene will be spending three months in jail after the Dubai Court of First Instance found him guilty of the charges.
The complainant, a 25-year-old Filipina waitress, said that the man inappropriately touched her while she was walking outside late at night, reported Gulf News.
The Filipina said before the court that she was on her way to a supermarket with a friend in Al Quoz industrial area when they walked past a group of five or six men.
She then said that one of the men groped her intentionally causing her to yell at him. However, the man only replied to her in an “abusive and vulgar manner”.
An African man helped her and restrained the defendant. She filed a complaint at the Bur Dubai police station.
The Indian man pleaded not guilty and defended that he only touched the Filipina by mistake.
However, the court still sentenced him to three months in jail and presiding judge Habib Awad said that the Indian man will be deported afterwards.
Court ruling is remains subject to appeal within 15 days.