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Marcos approves P6.352 trillion national budget for 2025

President Bongbong Marcos has approved the proposed 2025 National Expenditure Program (NEP) stating the proposed budget aligns with the key pillars of the administration’s Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028.

During a cabinet meeting, Marcos emphasized the government’s commitment to prioritizing food security, social protection, healthcare, housing, disaster resilience, infrastructure, digital connectivity, and energization.

“You see a really good thing,” Marcos said during the presentation of the proposed budget.

The lion’s share of the budget goes to education (DepEd, SUCs, CHED, TESDA), public works (DPWH), health (including PhilHealth), interior and local government (DILG), and defense (DND). Other key priorities include social welfare (DSWD), agriculture (DA and its attached corporations), agrarian reform (DAR), transportation (DOTr), the judiciary, and justice.

The largest budget allocations by expense class are for maintenance and other operating expenses, followed by personnel services, capital outlays, and financial expenses.

Staff Report

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