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OFW Guide: Renew your unemployment insurance (ILOE) to avoid fines

Have you heard of the Unemployment Insurance scheme, also known as Involuntary Loss of Employment (ILOE)? If you’re new to Dubai, it’s essential to know about it to avoid fines.

The Unemployment Insurance scheme is a form of insurance or social security that provides employees in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with financial support and security in the UAE, whether they are working in the federal or private sectors.

Why did the government implement ILOE? It aims to protect residents in an increasingly uncertain job market, such as termination by their employers.

If you are an employee in the private sector and your insurance has expired, it’s time to renew it.

Here’s a guide for both members and non-members of this scheme:

Step 1: Visit the unemployment insurance website.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Subscribe Here’ button to go to the registration page.

Step 3: Select your applicable sector. The website will ask for your details and send you an OTP.

Step 4:* If you are already a member, click the ‘Registered User’ button.

Step 5: You will be redirected to your personal dashboard, where you will see all your renewal options and payment methods.

Step 6: After deciding on your payment method, click the ‘Renewal’ button and then ‘Pay Now.’

After payment, you will receive an automatic email with your ILOE certificate. You can also view your certificate in your personal dashboard by clicking on ‘View Policy Details.’

Why does my HR department ask for my ILOE certificate?

HR departments require your ILOE certificate because it is mandatory. If you fail to comply with your payment plan and miss payments for more than three months, you will incur a fine of AED 200 and your insurance certificate will be canceled.

The fine will then be deducted from their wages through the Wages Protection System (WPS) or end-of-service benefits. It can also be deducted from any other method approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE).

So, ensure you renew your insurance or register as a user if it is your first time!

Camille Quirino

Camille Quirino is a Junior Writer at The Filipino Times, passionate about sharing the stories of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). She previously contributed to Magic 89.9 and various TV productions and finds fulfillment in crafting compelling narratives that shed light on the experiences of OFWs. Outside of work, Camille enjoys playing the ukulele and meeting new people to hear their stories. She believes everyone has a unique narrative worth sharing and is dedicated to capturing these stories in her writing. Reach Camille at [email protected].

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