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PH confirms first case of Q fever

The Philippines has recorded its first case of Q fever, an illness that primarily affects cattle, sheep, and goats.

The disease can be contracted by humans through inhalation of contaminated dust, according to the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI).

The disease when contracted by humans can cause chills, fever, and muscle pain. If left untreated the disease can develop into liver and heart complications.

The BAI said that the goats tested positive for the disease in Santa Cruz, Marinduque.

The agency noted that there’s no confirmed case of human Q fever to date yet.

The BAI announced that the Philippine government will temporarily ban the importation of goats from the US.

“The situation is under control,” the BAI added.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Q fever is a disease caused by the bacterial pathogen Coxiella burnetii.

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