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DMW confirms death of OFW pilgrim in Saudi Arabia

For illustrative purpose only

The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) has confirmed the death of an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) pilgrim due to heatstroke while performing Hajj in Saudi Arabia.

The DMW said the woman passed away on June 16, 2024, at a hospital in Makkah.

She was based in Riyadh where she worked as a health care professional.

“We have coordinated with her next-of-kin for the release and burial of her remains. She was buried last June 19th in Makkah,” said the DMW in a statement.

The DMW added that they are coordinating with the family for the payment of any hospital bills and other forms of assistance.

“May Allah grant the soul of our dearly departed OFW eternal rest, and provide her family with patience and strength during this difficult time,” the agency added.

Staff Report

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