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Filipina mompreneur takes pride in managing successful events

What started as a vision has now blossomed into a thriving business for this Filipino mom, who now finds joy in organizing a variety of events and celebrations.

Venturing into events management in the UAE, Julie May De Guzman, CEO of DG Sixx Events Management, said she never imagined her business would reach such heights.

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“It’s always my dream to have my own organizing company. I love organizing gatherings, especially private occasions,” De Guzman said.

The CEO recalled that the business started within the family and they eventually catered to small birthday parties in 2017.

“Later on, [DGSixx became] known all over UAE for our unique designs and services,” she said.

Now, DGSixx Events Management caters to private and social events, business gatherings, event equipment rentals, coordination, exhibitions, event entertainment, and venue rentals.

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“As a Filipina owning a business especially here in UAE is more than a great privilege and also, truly a great opportunity and blessing to be working on my passion and being recognized as one of the Filipina entrepreneurs in UAE,” De Guzman said.

Located in Ras Al Khaimah, DGSixx is dedicated to its clients, ensuring every occasion spent and celebrated with them leaves a lasting impression.

This is evident in the effort and creativity she consistently brings to her work, even after eight years with DGSixx.

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“One of the greatest challenges we had while putting up DGsixx is working harder every day on improving our designs that should be a key element in our business field and assessing new opportunities,” she said.

But amid the recognition for her entrepreneurial prowess, De Guzman finds even greater fulfillment in witnessing their clients’ satisfaction and happiness.

“The proudest moments are not those recognitions, but the proudest moments for us are those successful events and grateful clients,” the CEO said.

Among the major projects of DGSixx include the 10th edition of the annual Philippine Property and Investment Exhibition, where they provide services for kids area, providing kids services and entertainment during the two-day successful event, and other private and corporate events.

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For those seeking an unforgettable event experience, DG Sixx Events Management stands ready to turn visions into reality. Contact them at +971 52 884 3833.

Visit their website:

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