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Dubai OFW shares journey towards income growth

Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) turn challenges into opportunities. This was proven by Dubai-based Angel Bisht, who increased her income despite the challenges in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Currently working as a Senior Consultant of a Logistics Supply Chain company, Angel shared her long journey in the UAE and how she was able to get where she is right now.

“Between 2007 and 2008, I lost my job kasi nga, nagsara yung business na I’m handling,” she shared, explaining the hardships that she faced during the Great Recession, which was the worst economic downturn in the United States that affected the whole world.

However, Angel did not back down from these challenges. Instead, she turned these challenges into opportunities.

The right place at the right time

The Great Recession was the worst experience in the history of the world’s economy, and yet, Angel was fast to get back up on her feet. Her secret: finding a well-established and stable company.

She applied for a job, and due to her experience in the Emirate, she found a company that was willing to give her a higher salary.

“Sa Philippines, for example, PHP 25,000 yung salary ko. Pag dating dito, naging PHP 150,000,” she said, telling her story of how her income increased after moving to a better company.

“And then, nung nag-apply ako after the recession, naging PHP 200,000 na, and then naging PHP 300,000. It’s increasing and increasing,” she said, saying that it is important to choose the company you work for wisely. “I’m just grateful na pinunta ako ni God sa isang company that really took care of me,” she added

“Nakita ko lang na dito sa Dubai, if you’re in the right place at the right time—the right company—yung growth mo is so fast. At the same time, mahalaga din na you go to a company that is stable,” she said.

Do not get stagnant

However, Angel warns that no matter how great the company is, employees risk termination if their performance falls short.

“But of course, you have to work hard as well. Ang maganda lang sa Dubai is kapag nakita talaga nila na you are excelling in what you do, you will really reap the rewards,” Angel said. “They will notice you, and you will get the salary that you deserve.”

Angel pointed out that she has met Filipinos who are too content with the little that they have. “Ang nakikita ko lang is nagiging stagnant tayong mga Filipino,” she said. “Nagiging kuntento tayo kung nasaan tayo. Parang nawawala yung eagerness to learn more, to acquire more responsibility to grow,” she added.

Her advice: Always invest in yourself.

“Never stop learning,” she said. “I read a lot of books. I watch a lot of YouTube videos that really help me instead of scrolling on Facebook and other social media, I scroll on things that would equip me in terms of the things I need to grow in.”

“I make sure that I learn new things kasi the more you learn new things, the more you become valuable,” she added.

As of the moment, Angel is thinking in advance, preparing for her retirement. “Ang focus ko naman ngayon is to acquire more skills para sa retirement ko,” she said. “Pinaghahandaan ko na 10 years from now. Again, never stop learning”.

Camille Quirino

Camille Quirino is a Junior Writer at The Filipino Times, passionate about sharing the stories of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). She previously contributed to Magic 89.9 and various TV productions and finds fulfillment in crafting compelling narratives that shed light on the experiences of OFWs. Outside of work, Camille enjoys playing the ukulele and meeting new people to hear their stories. She believes everyone has a unique narrative worth sharing and is dedicated to capturing these stories in her writing. Reach Camille at [email protected].

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