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At least 68 killed in a plane crash in Nepal

Photos courtesy of Reuters

Nepal’s Civil Aviation authority has confirmed that at least 68 passengers of a Yeti Airlines flight were killed on Sunday after the plane crashed in Pokhara in Nepal.

The crash, which is considered as the worst in three decades, had rescuers scouring the hillside where the plane went down.

Images from Reuters show residents, rescuers, and volunteers, trying to retrieve bodies in the crash site which shows scorched land and segmented parts of the plane.

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The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal has released the list of passengers which included 53 Nepalese, 1 Argentinian, 1 Australian, 1 French, 1 Irish, 2 Koreans, 4 Russians, and 5 Indians.

Nepal is prone to aviation accidents due to its remote runways and sudden weather changes that can make hazardous flight conditions.

In May 2022, a Tara Air plane crashed in the northern Nepalese district of Mustang, killing 22 people.

In 2018, 51 people were killed when a US-Bangla flight traveling from Dhaka in Bangladesh caught fire as it landed in Kathmandu.

A survivor from the 2018 flight cannot help but recall the incident as the same crash happened in the same site.

“By the grace of God, I was able to survive a plane collision in Nepal precisely five years ago in 2018. Back then, we lost 51 people. Today, at the very same spot, another plane crash occurred, and 40 out of 71 bodies were recovered,” said Nathan Baheru in a tweet.

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