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Pinoy ‘Walis Tambo’ man in US Capitol siege to be jailed for 45 days 

Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

The Filipino man also known as ‘Walis Tambo’ man who brought a broom when protesters stormed the US Capitol has been sentenced to 45 days in jail by a US District Court. 

The suspect named as Kene Brian Lazo was arrested in May last year. He entered into a plea agreement in his misdemeanor case. 

Lazo was among thousands who trooped to the Capitol in support of losing candidate and former President Donald Trump. 

Investigators were able to identify Lazo through his social media posts. Lazo has apologized for his action and for joining the attack that had killed at least five people. 

But this is not the only case Lazo is facing. He is also charged with  sexual battery of a child in Virginia a few months after the incident at the US Capitol. 

Staff Report

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