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Soft skills crucial for better career prospects in post-COVID world

Experts advise the youth to pick up soft skills for better career prospects in the present COVID-ridden world.

Speakers shared their career advice during the opening session of the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature stressing young people must develop their soft skills and find their unique talents as they move across an ever-evolving post-COVID-19 world.

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During the opening session, Saeed Al Nazari, Director General of the Federal Youth Authority, said people’s character, system of values, beliefs and identity are the constants that make them unique in an era where jobs are fast-changing and, “We call it core skills instead of soft skills.”

Al Nazari noted Federal Youth Authority’s priorities are in helping youth conquer challenges and become more adaptive.

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Captain Dr Abdulla Bin Ahmad AlShaikh, Head of the Diplomatic and Consular Affairs at Dubai Police, stressed that it is the youth’s personal responsibility to balance their educational degrees with their skills and unpredictable times and health crises must be taken as an opportunity to gain a new perspective and shape skills.

Staff Report

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