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Man gets suspended jail term, AED 1,000 fine for assaulting father in Dubai

A man has been served prison term and fined AED 1,000 for assaulting father in the UAE.

An Emirati man has been given a one-month suspended jail term and fined AED 1,000 ($272) for assaulting his father.

A civil court had already ordered the defendant to pay his father AED 25,000 in compensation. On October 25, 2021, the victim – a consultant at a private hospital in Dubai – had been looking for his daughter, after discovering she was not at home, he approached his son to ask if he knew where his sister was.

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But the son assaulted him and the Ras Al Khaimah Criminal Court found him guilty and the verdict was upheld by the emirate’s court of appeal.

The father subsequently took the case to the civil court to claim compensation and was awarded AED 25,000 though it was not made clear what prompted the incident.

“He attacked me hitting me all over my body, and that happened with deliberate encouragement from his mother,” the victim told the court adding his now ex-wife, stood and watched while he was assaulted.

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“My mother died after this incident because of what happened to me,” he told the court, but in police questioning, the son had denied committing assault and claimed his father had attacked him.

His mother said she was not present during the incident, but pictures showed scratches and bruises on the father’s body were presented to court.

A medical report provided to judges said he had bruises on his back, chest, face, arms and legs and the victim also presented his mother’s death certificate.

Staff Report

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