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Shisha services, outdoor dining not allowed during fasting hours – Dubai Economy

The Dubai Economy on Tuesday clarified that restaurants in the emirate are banned to serve food and shisha outdoors during the daytime throughout the holy month Ramadan.

“Serving food in outdoor dining areas is not allowed during fasting hours,” Dubai’s Department of Economic Development said.

Meanwhile, food delivery services can continue as usual, Khaleej Times reported.

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Moreover, restaurants are not allowed to offer shisha services outdoors to customers during fasting hours. Shisha can only be offered after Iftar and until 4 am.

Eateries are also prohibited to display their food outside their premises.

However, it is still allowed to serve food outside the walled premises of the food establishments during fasting hours in exceptional cases.

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The announcement came following the confusion caused by the recent circular of Dubai Economy.

It said that the requirement to secure a permit for serving food to customers during Ramadan fasting hours is dropped.

The authority has also left the decision to establishments if they will have covers for the visible dining areas during fasting hours. (RA)

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