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UAE issues recent guidelines on age requirement to start school

The Ministry of Education has set a uniformed age requirement for children to start school across the UAE.

Now, children must at least reach the age of three to go to school.  This move standardizes age requirements across the country.

Previously, age requirement varies depending on the emirate.

The Knowledge and Human Development Authority, Dubai’s private school regulator, said the change will be applicable for the next academic year 2021-2022 which will begin in September 2021.

However, for schools that start in April, this change will be applicable from the start of the academic year 2022-2023 in April 2022.

Children can join FS1 (British system) or Pre-KG at schools in April as long as they are already three years old on or before March 31 of that year.

KHDA, however clarified, that students that are currently enrolled at private schools in the UAE are not affected by the change.

This also includes students who enroll for the final term of the academic year 2020-2021.

Who will be affected by this new rule? It will be those children up to six years-old who are enrolling in school for the first time.

KHDA said pupils must have turned four by August 31 to start school on August 29 in Foundation Stage 2 or KG1; five to join Year 1 or KG2; and six to start Grade 1 or Year 2, and so on.

KHDA said application of any child enrolled to start in FS1 this year, but withdrew and waived to 2022 will be affected.

A child who turns three this September and was due to start FS1 this year will have to enroll in FS1 in the next academic year.

Those who have already paid for the deposits of children who will be affected by the new cut-off date will receive a refund. (ES)

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