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Over 65.6 million COVID-19 vaccines administered worldwide

The vaccination campaign against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has reached over 65.6 million doses across the world in 56 countries, averaging 3.38 million doses a day since it began around December 2020.

Of this number, the USA leads with 22.4 million doses administered as of January 24, according to data collated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Bloomberg.

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The UAE ranks 6th worldwide with over 2.4 million doses administered as of January 24.

With a population of nearly 10 million, the Ministry of Health and Prevention stated that the rate of vaccine distribution is now at 25.15 doses per 100 people.

The vaccination drive in the UAE is in line with the Ministry’s plan to provide the vaccine to all members of society and acquire herd immunity, which will help reduce the number of cases and control the spread of the virus.

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At present, there are three vaccines approved for use in the UAE including Sinopharm, Pfizer-BioNTech, and the recently-approved Sputnik V for emergency use.

Meanwhile, the Philippines has already authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine but has yet to disclose details on the country’s own vaccination campaign.

Staff Report

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