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Plantation Bay Bay Resort and Spa’s resident shareholder resigns following criticisms about his autism remarks 

Photo credit: Plantation Bay Resort and Spa Facebook page

The resident shareholder of Plantation Bay Resort and Spa in Cebu has resigned after heavy criticisms for the way he handled a customer complaint whose kid suffers from autism.

In a statement, Manny Gonzalez left his position “to protect our staff from further indignities.”

“With sincere apologies for my error of judgment, which led to so much trouble to many innocent people, I have decided to resign from the position of Resident Shareholder,” the statement said.

Recently, customer Mai Pages shared online her complaint at the resort, which she said was “discriminating” and “not an ideal place for a child with special needs.”

She recalled that two lifeguards repeatedly called them out after her son with autism squealed whenever he jumps into the water.

Gonzales, who used the account of general manager Efren Belarmino, responded to her review, saying that she was either lying or that her son has an incorrect diagnosis of autism. He added that “uncontrolled shouting is not a symptom of autism.”

“For your information, uncontrolled shouting is not a symptom of autism. On the contrary, autistic children tend to be silent, non-verbal, and overwhelmed and withdrawn when faced with strangers. Google ‘Autism’ and verify yourself.

He said: “[T]his parent is most likely deliberately lying, or has been given an incorrect diagnosis of autism, when what the child more likely have is a lack of discipline due to simple parental neglect.

“Therefore, this parent is trying to blame the resort for her own failure to look after her child’s interests. While we are sorry that we are not the right resort for this parent and child, we hope that in the future other parents who want their children to scream constantly and bother other guests, will do their homework and choose another resort, one which doesn’t care about the 99% of guests who want to relax in peace and quiet.”

The shareholder drew flak for her comments, which led to the Philippine Autism Society calling out the resort.

Gonzales then issued an apology letter, which maintained that they have a strict policy of keeping noise levels down in the pool and restaurants.

“As a result of that policy, in almost 25 years we have never had a child die here. A mother’s pride is important, but more important are the lives of children who come here. Regardless, I handled this case poorly, and apologize to all the parties who felt offended by my reply,” he said.

The Department of Tourism has since launched an investigation regarding the matter. Meanwhile, the resort pledged to “initiate more proactive efforts and implement necessary changes within the week.”

Staff Report

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