
WATCH: Hero cat saves baby from falling down the stairs

A cat has saved a one-year-old baby boy from falling down a steep staircase.

In the clip posted on a Facebook group called Fundacion Gatos Bogotanos en Adopcion, the baby begins to crawl towards the staircase off-camera.

Just when the baby is about to reach the edge, the cat literally went out of its way, jumped on floor, and pushed the baby back into the room using its front legs at the infant to coax them away from danger.

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Photo of the steep staircase posted on Fundacion Gatos Bogotanos en Adopcion Facebook page

The cat’s heroic act was caught on the CCTV camera installed inside the home in Bogotá, Colombia.

In a report by the Daily Mirror, it quoted the child’s mother, Diana Lorena Álvarez, in saying that she saw for herself how Gatubela, their Siamese cat, saved her son Samuel from falling down the stairs.

She admitted that she was also surprised at what she saw, but she felt lucky to have a cat like Gatubela.

Gatubela is a translation of DC Comic’s popular character, Catwoman, in the Batman franchise.

Jesid, Samuel’s father, said the Gatubela has been with their family ever since his son was born and she is also familiar with his children.


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