
Rare fox spotted in UAE afer 17 years

The UAE has once again captured the sight of a rare specie of a fox at the grounds of one of its national parks after an absence of over 17 years.

The creature, known as “Blanford’s fox” (Vulpes cana) was caught on tape at the Jebel Hafeet National Park in a video and photo posted by the Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi this March 2019.

Blanford’s fox is an omnivore that thrives on feeding on plants and small insects. An agile creature of the forests and sands, the creature also finds its way through terrains, easily jumping over cliff faces and formations of rocks.

Here’s the post on the official Instagram page of Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi:


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. بعد قرابة 17 عامًا من الاختفاء، نجحت كاميرات توثيق الحياة البرية، التي وضعتها هيئة البيئة – أبوظبي بمتنزه جبل حفيت الوطني، في تسجيل لقطات للثعلب الأفغاني وذلك خلال شهر مارس الجاري. يتغذى الثعلب الأفغاني على النباتات والحشرات الصغيرة. كما أنه يتميز بقدرته على التأقلم مع العيش في المناطق الجبلية والصخرية. . The Blanford’s fox (Vulpes cana) was recorded on Jebel Hafeet National Park after an absence of 17 years in March 2019. This mountain specialist species was recorded on EAD’s camera traps on Jebel Hafeet. Its diet is mainly omnivorous eating both plants and small insects. They are also well suited to climbing and jumping over rocks and cliff faces.

A post shared by Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (@environmentabudhabi) on

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