
Bea Alonzo thankful for overwhelming support, reportedly consulting a lawyer

Bea Alonzo is grateful for the continuous overwhelming support from the public despite the recent statement and accusations made by Julia Barretto this week. 
As of this writing, Alonzo has yet to directly address the issues hurled by Barretto against her. 
“Bea, you wanted to keep your hands clean by not mentioning me in your controversial post, but with a click of your finger, in your sly way, you have charged everybody to destroy me FOR YOU,” Barretto accused Alonzo. 
Pep.ph reports that Alonzo’s camp is now coordinating with a lawyer to respond to Barretto but this is still subject for verification. 
A conversation between Varda Atienza, Alonzo’s close friend and fan circulated online. 
Atienza said that Alonso is beyond grateful for her fans’ support. 
 “Actually she really wanted to Thank Everyone specially the fans, The Hard-working People Loving her, nababasa nya lahat ng sinesend nyo. I was with her last night. She was overwhelmed with response. Sobrang Salamat in behalf of her.Please Extend our Biggest Thank You to Everyone,” Atienza said. 

bea alonzo message atienza 1

Screenshot of text mesasge from Pep.ph

Staff Report

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  1. I love bea ❤ i enjoyed all her movies, great beatiful actress and when i watched her doing interviews she is smart and so graceful …it so sad that someone is attacking her right now ( that girl is evil
    a shame to womankind) .. #teambea all the way ..#cheers #fighting

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