
Ex-Rivermaya vocalist Rico Blanco calls headline ‘stupid’ comparing him to Keanu Reeves

Former Rivermaya vocalist Rico Blanco isn’t happy with an online news article about him being compared with Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves.
The article published on pep.ph told the story of Blanco’s comeback in the music industry. The article also said the Blanco doesn’t want to be compared with anybody and that ‘Filipinos should not be Pinoy versions of whatever’.
Blanco reposted the article and called the story ‘stupid’.
“Stupid headline will get me into trouble guys. my point was let’s stop making Filipinos local versions of global icons,” Blanco said in a tweet.
Blanco also said that he will no longer invite the showbiz news site for breaking his ‘trust’.
“And by the way @PEPalerts that’s the last time you’ll ever be invited to a presscon of mine. I trusted you but you abused the trust like you always do with artists. Next time learn to respect the artists you interview. Understand they work hard and help put food on YOUR table,” Blanco said in another tweet.
Pep.ph has yet to respond on Blanco’s comments about their story. 

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