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Sharjah Police arrest three robbers led by gang leader outside UAE

The Sharjah Police’s Criminal Investigation Department said that they have successfully arrested a three-member gang of robbers of Arab nationals.

They are reportedly led by someone who is residing outside UAE.

In a Gulf Today report, the gang carried out various robberies using the same modus operandi.

The scheme works by luring victims, by offering to sell them vehicles, then stealing their money after making the deals.

Authorities learned about the criminal activities after two cases of robbery were reported using the same modus.

One of the victims said that they had made a vehicle purchase deal with a man living abroad, who later told him to hand the money to a man he knows inside UAE.

The victim headed to the meeting point with the purchase-money, one of the accomplice grabbed the money and fled the scene.

Investigation teams compared the report filed by the victim to other similar robberies, and the police were able to identify the suspects.

The gang confessed to committing similar robberies and stealing huge amounts from victims.

Police officials urged the public not to make transactions with anonymous people.

Authorities also asked the public to check the identity of the sellers to avoid falling into victims into gangs. (TDT)

Staff Report

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