
Explained: Why Abu Dhabi requires COVID-19 results to enter emirate

UAE netizens have expressed their concern since the announcement that requires all residents and citizens to present a negative COVID-19 test result that’s valid for 48 hours before they are allowed entry in Abu Dhabi.
The Abu Dhabi Government Media Office stated that the guideline aims to prevent local transmissions and a measure to maintain low numbers in the region.
“Abu Dhabi’s decision is a preventative measure based on several factors and indicators, with the objective of reducing the possibility of infection between locations in general and supporting the completion of the National Screening Programme, approved by the Abu Dhabi Emergency Crisis and Disaster Committee for the COVID-19 Pandemic,” said the statement from the Abu Dhabi Government Media Office.
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The Abu Dhabi Emergency, Crisis & Disaster Committee recently reported that the city has maintained an average of less than one percent of confirmed cases compared to other regions in the emirate.
The emirate-wide testing, done in coordination with the Department of Health, will continue in accordance with the country’s preventive and precautionary measures to combat the spread of COVID-19.
“The decision enables the public to enter Abu Dhabi without a permit, and the test is a preventive measure that safeguards the health of each person, their family, and their community. Rather than prohibiting, the decision enables travel while protecting the health and safety of all those residing in and visiting Abu Dhabi,” said the official statement.
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While permits are no longer needed to enter Abu Dhabi, officials state that they plan to maintain emirate’s achievement for attaining low numbers of patients, recent announcements of hospitals which are free from COVID-19 cases and the downward trend of the significant decrease in the percentage of cases found during testing.
Abu Dhabi Police urges all individuals to cooperate with the authorities by practising all safety measures set by the government to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

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