The World Health Organization continues to remind the public to keep themselves safe and sanitized amidst the threat of the Novel Coronavirus that has already killed 80 and infected 2,700 more across the globe.
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WHO released several general safety tips for the public which include the following:
– Frequent hand wash using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
– Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing with a flexed elbow or tissue. After coughing or sneezing, throw the tissue away, and wash your hands.
– Avoid close contact with sick individuals. If contact is unavoidable, be sure to safeguard yourself by wearing protective masks and/or gloves.
– Seek medical care as soon as possible if you have experienced one of the following: high fever, cough, colds, difficulty in breathing, travel history to areas with confirmed cases.
– Avoid direct contact with live animals, particularly in areas currently experiencing cases of novel coronavirus.
– Avoid consumption of raw or undercooked wild animals.
China is using HIV anti-viral drugs as an ad-hoc medicine to treat patients inflicted with the deadly novel coronavirus. According to a Bloomberg report, the National Health Commission of China said a combination of lopinavir and ritonavir is being given to the patients.