
Save more and worry less

Do you find it hard to save money?

Don’t worry; you’re not the only one. Most of us are not the best at saving money. But doing so is crucial to live a stress-free life. Here are 6 simple ways to get into the habit of saving.

Set your goals
It’s important to have a direction and a destination in mind. Having your financial goals in place is the first big step towards saving. Sit down and think about what you want to accomplish, both in the coming months and also in the years ahead. Decide what you want to save for. It could be a new car, a vacation, education, emergencies, or investments.

If you find yourself with too many financial goals, circle the top two or three that you want to accomplish. Then, zero in further and start setting aside more for just one of those goals. Research suggests that focusing on a single savings goal leads to a higher probability of reaching the target.

Clear your credit card debt
When it comes to planning your finances, debt is the most dangerous four-letter word. Make sure you clear your credit card debts and avoid overspending on your credit card.

Maintain a dedicated savings account
Maintain a separate account for savings. Try to deposit a fixed amount every month in this account; if not, deposit, however much you can afford; but be regular. Refrain from using this account to spend.

Look for small improvements
Small changes can often lead to big results. Reduce a few small expenses every month. Cook a home-cooked meal instead of going out on a Friday night, rent a movie instead of paying for tickets at a theater. Plan your meals for the whole week, make a shopping list and make one big grocery trip.

Use technology
With technology, mankind has achieved great things. It can also help you in reaching your financial goals. There are various capital finance apps that can help you see where your money is going.

If you start now, these simple tips could prove extremely beneficial in achieving your saving goals.

Each week, Xpress Money will give you advice on relevant topics that will help in your everyday life. For any queries on sending or receiving money, please write to [email protected]

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