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Filipino English teachers to visit Taiwan under special program

Photo courtesy of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in the Philippines this week held a send-off event for the first group of Filipino English teachers to take part in the Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program (TFETP).

They were enlisted for the Ministry of Education (MOE) initiated program designed to advance bilingual education in Taiwan and a send-off event was held in Metro Manila on Thursday for 14 English teachers and three teaching assistants.

The TFETP aims to help find English instructors for Taiwan’s public elementary and secondary schools, according to TECO with 77 English teachers and 11 teaching assistants hired from the Philippines during this upcoming school year.

The “Bilingual Nation 2030 Policy” is aimed to advance Taiwan’s bilingual education system and strengthen Taiwanese people’s English skills.

Staff Report

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