Car owners and drivers in the UAE are in for a treat this New Year as fuel prices further drop next year.
The revised prices will come into effect on January 1.
It will be the second consecutive month of pump prices rollback in the country.
إليكم أسعار الوقود ⛽ لشهر يناير 2022 وفقاً لما ذكرته لجنة متابعة أسعار الوقود في الإمارات
January 2022 fuel ⛽ prices as per the #UAE fuel committee are out
— ENOC (@enoc_official) December 28, 2021
Super 98 will cost AED 2.65, a drop of 12 fils per litre, while Special 95 will be priced at AED 2.53, a reduction of 13 fils.
E-Plus 91 will have a rollback from AED 2.58 to AED 2.46 and diesel will see a sharp drop of 21 fils, costing AED 2.56.