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Gov’t requires online booking, vax cards for Dolomite beach visitors

The government is now requiring visitors of the artificial Manila Dolomite Beach to have an online appointment and present their vaccination cards as it reopens to the public on December 28.

A QR code must be scanned where people can set their appointment and will also serve as health declaration form.

RELATED STORY: Palace on overcrowding in dolomite beach: ‘May pandemya pa po’

An email confirmation will be sent and they will be allowed to visit the artificial beach for an hour.

The dolomite beach will only accommodate 300 visitors at any given time.

READ ON: Gov’t wants to make Dolomite beach ‘swimmable’ by end of Duterte’s term 

11 years old and below are not allowed to enter the beach because they are not yet vaccinated against COVID-19.

Walk-ins may be allowed as long as they are fully vaccinated. The beach will be closed again for the holidays on December 30 and will reopen next year.

Staff Report

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