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Anti-COVID-19 nasal spray not yet available – DFA

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the Philippines has warned that the nasal sprays to control the COVID-19 were not available as yet.

According to the Philippine drug regulator, no nasal spray has been proven effective.

RELATED STORY: Clinical trials underway on self-administered COVID-19 nasal sprays

Earlier, the World Health Organization (WHO) said the clinical trials were underway to evaluate 8 spray vaccines.

Food and Drug Administration chief Eric Domingo said that the Philippine authorities are still waiting for the result of these trials “and we have to wait a little more” before COVID-19 nasal spray vaccines become available in the market.
Domingo said that in a televised public briefing that there are no COVID nasal vaccine sprays allowed yet in the Philippines or any part of the world and products making any claims are “fake”.

He urged the public not to use any such products and report the sellers to the FDA so that they can be apprehended.

READ ON: Russia conducts trial for COVID jabs as nasal spray for children

The Philippines is fighting one of Asia’s worst COVID-19 outbreaks with infections crossing 2.4 million on Tuesday and overall deaths topping 37,000.

The government has said that it was looking to inoculate 70 percent of the country’s 109 people before the year end to achieve herd immunity and safely reopen the economy. So far, at least 18.5 million people have been fully vaccinated. (AW)

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