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Pinoy coast guard officer receives maritime award for saving passengers

A Filipino coast guard officer received the highest honor from the International Maritime Organization for exceptional bravery at sea for saving the lives of passengers of a sinking ship in 2019.

Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) officer Ensign Ralph O. Barajan received his award during the virtual ceremony of IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea, streamed live from the organization’s YouTube channel last April 7, 2021.

Barajan, who was the first Filipino to receive the distinction, was commended for his bravery and leadership in saving the lives of 54 passengers during the flooding and capsizing of MV Siargao Princess.

The 31-year-old PCG Officer was off duty and on his way to PCG substation in Cebu to report when the sea mishap occurred. He was one of the passengers of the vessel.

The sea vessel was on its way to Cebu when it was battered by big waves putting it to distress.

RELATED STORY: 53 passengers, 7 crew rescued in sea incident in Cebu

Undaunted by the situation, the PCG officer, he quickly called the Coast Guard to request immediate assistance.

The Boholano coast guard officer then talked to passengers who were thrown into panic as the cargo hold started to be flooded affecting the vesselʹs stability.

He then relayed instructions to the crew who are likewise panicking and distraught.

He was also able to advise the Captain to declare abandon ship, and assisted all passengers to jump off the vessel, making sure that no one was left behind as the ship began to sink.

In his speech Bajaran acknowledged that the trainings had helped him save 62 lives onboard including his own.

His bravery and decisiveness earned him a nomination and later award from the United Nations’ specialized agency. (RA)

Staff Report

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