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UAE residents urged to offer one-minute silence to honor Emirati martyrs on November 30, 11:30 am

The UAE celebrates the Commemoration Day today, November 30 and has asked its residents to offer a minute of silence to honor UAE’s martyrs.

An SMS sent out to UAE residents urges to observe one minute of silence from 11:30 to 11:31 am.

“In recognition of our martyrs, we celebrate Commemoration Day, while committing to social distancing on November 30, using #Proud_of_your_sacrifices and observe one minute of silent prayer wherever you are from 11.30am to 11:31am,” read the SMS.

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The UAE has been implementing a comprehensive strategy to support the families of martyrs and provide them with dignified lives, which is based on four key pillars of supporting family stability by launching housing programmes, providing educational services to the children of martyrs, offering comprehensive healthcare services that include initiatives for people of determination, most notably during the COVID-19 pandemic, and launching a comprehensive system of social support and initiatives aimed at improving people’s life and their scientific, cultural and sporting skills.

The Martyrs’ Families’ Affairs Office, MFAO, at the Abu Dhabi Crown Prince’s Court was set up to oversee these initiatives, through monitoring and reviewing the needs and requirements of martyrs’ families, and drafting and implementing related programmes and projects. It is mandated to follow up the requirements of families of martyrs in co-ordination with other authorities and to provide necessary support and care to them.

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On Commemoration Day, the UAE will expresses its gratitude and respect to those heroes who sacrificed their lives for the nation, confirming that responding to the call of duty is a requirement for every patriotic citizen in the country, to defend its achievements and accomplishments.

UAE launched many national initiatives to honour its fallen heroes, pay profound gratitude to their sacrifices and provide all the support and consolation to their families. Governmental and non-governmental organisations, UAE nationals as well as expatriates participate in different activities that take place during this special day to express gratitude for the martyrs’ sacrifices and preserve their memory forever.

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